Electron Spin Dynamics in Complex Space
Ciann-Dong Yang1, Shiang-Yi Han2*
1Department of Astronautics and Aeronautics, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
2Center of General Education, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
* Presenter:Shiang-Yi Han, email:syhan.taiwan@gmail.com
Spin is one of the most important properties of the quantum particle. It never absences in different interpretations of quantum mechanics. In this talk we will introduce the spin dynamics of hydrogen electron underlying the framework of quantum Hamilton Mechanics (QHM), in which the particle is considered in the complex space. Supporting by the recent experiments, the complex number is no longer a mathematical tool in quantum mechanics, instead, it represents the space structure of the quantum world in reality. On the basis of the complex space the electron’s spin can be described in a classical manner. The spin motion can be obtained from the Schrödinger equation in QHM. The electron’s spin angular momentum is confirmed as an average result, which has a small perturbation period of 0.30385 femto-second. We then will discuss the spin and orbital coupling dynamics in different eigen-states. A practical example will be carried out by demonstrating the electron transits between two energy levels driven by the electric field. The spin motion plays very important role in the states-transition which has never been discussed classically and completely.

Keywords: electron spin motion, spin angular momentum perturbation, spin and orbital coupling , two-levels system