Experimental Sensitivities in Reactor Neutrino Nucleus Elastic Scattering with Germanium
Shuvadeep Karmakar1,2*, V. Sharma3, H.T. Wong1
1Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
2Department of Physics, GLA University, Mathura, India
3Department of Physics, H.N.B. Garhwal University, Uttarakhand, India
* Presenter:Shuvadeep Karmakar, email:skarmakar@gate.sinica.edu.tw
Neutrino Nucleus elastic scattering (νAel ) is a great tool to look at neutrinos with small-sized detectors. Its cross-section was first measured by COHERENT collaboration with CsI(Na) detector [1-5]. The current aim of the Taiwan EXperiment On NeutrinO (TEXONO) is to measure νAel with low-energy neutrinos at Kuo-Sheng (KS) nuclear power plant. Reactor neutrinos with energy <10 MeV produces few keV nuclear recoils in the low threshold germanium detector [1], it further gets quenched due to some undetectable heat generation. Quantum mechanical coherency is complete in this kinematical range [3-8]. We compare our latest TEXONO results with other νAel experiments with germanium detector in particular on Standard Model cross sections as well as constraints on quenching modeling.

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Keywords: Neutrino Nucleus elastic scattering, Quenching factor, Sub-keV Germanium