Abelian spatial string tension in lattice gauge theory
Atsuki Hiraguchi1*
1Institute of Physics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 30010, Taiwan
* Presenter:Atsuki Hiraguchi, email:a.hiraguchi@nycu.edu.tw
Quark confinement mechanism is an unsolved problem. In the dual superconducting picture, the degrees of freedom of monopoles in QCD play an important role to understand the mechanism of confinement. Investigating the contribution of monopoles to non-perturbative properties of QCD is an interesting subject. The spatial string tension, which is a string tension extracted from space-like Wilson loops, is a non-perturbative quantity in deconfined phase of QCD. In this talk, we discuss the spatial string tension in SU(3) gauge theory at finite temperature. In particular, we show results of Abelian dominance in the spatial string tension.

Keywords: Lattice gauge theory, Color confinement, Quantum chromodynamics