Presentation type: Oral

Session No. O03-4
Session Name: Life Science I
Title: Recent advances in automated volume EM for life sciences application at nanometer resolution
Presenter: Tan Bee Yi
Presentation type: Invited Speech

Session No. O03-1
Session Name: Life Science I
Title: Morphological analysis of the isolation membrane by cryo-electron tomography and cryo-focused ion beam
Presenter: Dr. Yoshiyuki Fukuda
Presentation type: Oral

Session No. O03-3
Session Name: Life Science I
Title: Ultracellular imaging of bronchoalveolar lavage from young age COVID-19 patients with comorbidities showed greater SARS-COV-2 infection but lesser ultrastructural damage than the old age patients
Presenter: Dr Subhash Chandra Yadav
Presentation type: Invited Speech

Session No. O03-2
Session Name: Life Science I
Title: Development of array tomography-based 3D-CLEM and visualization of ER body in the Arabidopsis lateral root cap
Presenter: Dr. Kiminori Toyooka