In line with the model whereby State reports are reviewed by States Parties by the UN treaty bodies and participation from non-governmental organizations, in addition to parallel reports, parallel responses to LOIs and follow-up information on concluding observations, participants of the conference may also provide statements during the report review period in a closed-door meeting and respond to inquiries from treaty body members. This plays a very important role in the constructive dialogues between treaty bodies and governments of States Parties.
When writing State reports on the two Covenants or holding the international review conference, given the unique national position and the advantages of conducting review at home, the ROC will deepen participation from non-governmental organizations by extensively inviting non-governmental organizations during reporting preparation to discuss the contents of reports item by item and give recommendations. The Agenda also provide more sessions and time available to non-governmental organizations than the UN model, so that non-governmental organizations can have more opportunities to conduct discussions with international experts on human rights, to reach concluding observations that are closer to the current human rights situation of the ROC and effectively improve human rights protection levels.
The ROC plans to hold the International Review Conference for the Third State Report on the Two Covenants at the International Conference Center of CHANG YUNG-FA Foudation from May 9 to 13, 2022. All non-governmental organizations are invited to take part. More information is given below:
- Apply online (for NGOs)
- Apply online (for international human rights organizations)
- Notes for the submission by NGOs at home and abroad of parallel (shadow) reports with respect to the Third State Report on the Two Covenants and parallel responses
- Notes to NGOs at home and abroad and invited international human rights organizations that will participate in the International Review Conference for the Third State Report on the Two Covenants