Computational Intelligence-based Systems for Manufacturing Process Optimisation and Decision Support
專題演講:12/12(六) 10:45-11:25   (101會議室)




Chee-Peng Lim

Centre for Intelligent Systems Research

Deakin University, Australia

In this talk, the design and development of intelligent learning systems will be explained. In particular, neural computing, fuzzy computing, and evolutionary computing models will be utilised to devise software tools that are capable of learning and knowledge extraction. Application of the resulting software tools to real-world manufacturing optimisation and decision support problems will be demonstrated.





Chee-Peng Lim received his PhD degree from Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom, in 1997. His research focuses on development and application of intelligent computing systems for manucturing process optimisation, fault detection and diagnosis, condition monitoring, and decision support. He has published more than 280 peer-reviewed papers in these areas, with 8 best paper awards in international conferences. He has also edited 3 books and 12 special issues in journals.


He collaborates closely with researchers in the international arena with the support of numerious fellowships, which include Australia-India Senior Visiting Fellowship (Australian Academy of Science), 2013, Australia-Japan Emerging Research Leaders Exchange Program (Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering), 2013, Australia Endeavour Executive Fellowship, 2009, Titular Fellowship (Association of Commonwealth Universities, UK), 2008; Strategic International Research Fund (University of Auckland, New Zealand), 2007; Commonwealth Fellowship (University of Cambridge) 2003; Fulbright Scholarship ( University of California, Berkeley), 2002; and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Research Fellowship (Kyushu University), 2002.


The potentials of his research work for real-world applications have also received many awards, which include Gold medal at INPEX (Innovation and New Product Exposition) Show, USA, 2012, Silver prize at Open Source Software World Challenge, South Korea, 2011, Gold medal and Special Award at British Innovation Show, UK, 2007, and Gold medal at Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions, Switzerland, 2006. Currently, he is with the Centre for Intelligent Systems Research, Deakin University, Australia.