Department of Physics, National Cheng Kung University has the honor of scheduling the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan, to be held from January 16 (Monday) to January 18 (Wednesday), 2023. Your company is cordially invited to attend and cooperate with us on this grand occasion.

  Outstanding local and overseas scholars and experts in physics-related disciplines will be invited to attend this annual meeting. At the time, there will be more than 2000 participants and approximately 1,000 selected academic and technical papers presented, covering the topics: nanotechnology, semiconductors, solar energy and photovoltaic elements, nanomaterials and their detection, magnetic materials and components, superconductors, statistical and computational physics, surface physics and microscopy, high-energy physics, atomic and molecular physics, astrophysics, and so on. Besides, the Topical Symposium will be held during the same period. This meeting would provide those in academia and industry the opportunities for knowledge, technology and experiences exchange, and trade show.

  The Department of Physics, National Cheng Kung University, upholds the dedicated service and will strive to make the meeting a complete success. We understand that this meeting won’t be successful without your support. For achieving this goal, we sincerely seek your company to kindly provide the necessary sponsorship for the funding of the meeting’s activities, by means of hiring an exhibition stand, carrying out recruitment, providing awards for student papers, and/or placing advertisements, etc. We have attached a sponsorship item response letter and respectfully request its return after being filled in appropriately, to facilitate subsequent contact. Please submit your reply before November 11, 2022, for follow-up.

2023 TPS

General Chair Ying-Jer Kao (President of the Physical Society of Taiwan)

Co-Chair Kung-Yao Lo (Professor/Chair, National Cheng Kung University)

  國立成功大學物理學系謹訂於 2023 年 1 月 16 日 (星期一) 至 1 月 18 日 (星期三) 舉行「2023 台灣物理年會」,敬邀貴公司參與盛會。

  本次年會將邀請國內外物理相關領域之優秀學者專家共同與會,屆時將有約兩千人與會及約一千篇優質之學術與技術論文宣讀發表,主題涵蓋:奈米、半導體、太陽能與光電元件、奈米材料與檢測、磁性材料與元件、超導體、統計與計算物理、表面物理與顯微鏡技術、高能物理、原子與分子物理與天文物理等重要課題。為因應變化快速的新興研究領域,另增設主題論壇 (Topical Symposium);年會期間本大會將提供國內物理相關領域的學術交流機會,希望藉由專業人才之互動探討,鼓勵與提攜青年學生精英,推動國內物理科學發展與應用,提升我國在此領域的國際形象及地位。 本系將秉持服務熱忱,力求大會圓滿成功,懇請 貴公司鼎力相助,以攤位參展、人才招募、論文獎項與廣告刊登等方式,贊助本會活動經費。敬請 貴公司於 2022 年 11 月1 1 日前填妥回覆贊助項目回函,以供後續連絡。

2023 台灣物理年會

大會主席高英哲 (台灣物理學會理事長)

大會共同主席羅光耀 (國立成功大學物理學系系主任)
