

  • 行程二、安平獅饗曲
    Route 2: Anping Harbor & History Tour (Chinese-speaking tour)
  • 行程三、五條港舊城漫遊日光線
    Route 3: Wutiaogang Old City Tour (Chinese-speaking tour)
  • 行程四、老屋,老店,老生活
    Route 4: Old Building, Traditional Store and Local Life Tour (Chinese-speaking tour)
  • 行程五、府城藝文踅街趣(僅提供40個名額)
    Route 5: Tainan Museum Tour (Chinese-speaking tour)
  • 行程六、Route 6: The Classic Tour (English-speaking tour)
    Tainan was once the capital of Taiwan from the 17th century to the 19th century, and it is known as the cultural capital of Taiwan today. The best way to know Tainan is to walk in the lanes and alleys. The walk will bring you around several historic sites such as Confucius Temple, the National Museum of Taiwan Literature and the Hayashi Department Store and show you the past of Tainan.


注意事項/ Important notice:

  1. 日期時間: 2023/01/18 15:00-18:00
    Date:2023/01/18, from 15:00 to 18:00
  2. 報名費用: 每人100元(含保險及行政庶務費用)
    Fee: NT$100/per person (including insurance fee and other administrative expenses)
  3. 人數:每個行程以80人為限(行程五僅提供40個名額),報名額滿請選擇其他路線。
    For the Route 5, the registration limit is 40 persons.
  4. 限三位親友參加(需報名同一條路線)
    Each participant can only invite three other relatives/friends to join the same tour.
  5. 報名小旅行須提供以下資訊:
    If you would to join the Tainan Walking Tour, please provide us with the following required information:
    Full name (first name)(last name )
    If you are a foreigner in Taiwan, please provide your ARC number/passport number
    Date of Birthday (YYYY/MM/DD)
  6. 台南小旅行退費僅限於申請2023物理年會退費者
    Only those who apply for the refund for 2023 Annual Meeting of TPS can ask for Tainan Walking Tour refund at the same time.



For more information to explore Tainan, please take reference Travel Tainan.